I see hearts just about all the time. I’ve rinsed blueberries in a colander and with a shake shake to drain off the water the blueberries formed a heart. Walking up steps to my former office there is a clearly a heart in the brick. I wonder if others see them. Sometimes I take pictures to capture the moment. Sure, I’m a person that can see shapes in clouds and my chicken tender was clearly a mermaid but still, I see hearts all the time. But for the past couple years I haven’t seen too many. I hadn’t even noticed that I had stopped noticing and then a few weeks ago there was a heart shaped leaf on my patio. Honestly lots of leaves look like hearts so it wasn’t that rare of a find.
I think it is time to start noticing the good again. Look for it and you will find it. I won’t make light of the worlds situation right now, but I will say there is still a lot of good and if you turn towards it you’ll see more and more.
There is so much to be worried about. Are the children safe to go back to school? Are they being hurt traumatized socially? A friend told me that she had heard a tip that we should schedule time to worry in our day. That way you can satisfy that need but then be done with it and move on. That sounds way more realistic than Don’t Worry.
Perhaps I can offer a model to dedicate some time to stay current with the news, to worry and to act but then dedicate the the rest of the time to focusing on the good. I like the 95/5 model. Aviva Romm uses this for her healthy eating model. She says that with 80/20 that 20% is still a lot of junk if you think about it. I’m using this basically as a figure of speech here, so please allow me some grace. Think of it as a metaphor and not based in science.
Let’s choose to look for the love and see the good 95% of the time. And then be realistic and allow ourselves the time to be worried, mad or upset and then let it go for the rest of the day. It’s pretty heated out there right now and I’d never say to just disregard it all. On the other hand I do believe in the Law of Attraction. In that movie The Secret they say to just feel good and stay in a place of feeling good, tune out the rest and don’t watch the news for example. But I can’t just hide my head in the sand when others are suffering. Then let’s use the 5% for the anger and worry.
I know I can’t change it all. And none of us can. But lots of small adds up to big change if we do it together. Worrying doesn’t help. It actually makes the energy around it all worse. Where our attention flows energy flows. And then 95% of the time live your life from a place of love and lead by example. Most of the best work is done this way anyways. During the 5% you can argue, donate money, protest and spread your message on Facebook or do what feels right. If you struggle to feel like you have a hand in helping or feel like it doesn’t effect you then dedicate this 5% to concerted effort on a consistent basis.
The issues are big right now and some people just want to ignore them and others want to be angry all the time. I feel like I need to throw this in here… if you are being an activist for peace you don’t need to limit that.
I’ve talked with people that think these issues don’t effect them so they can disregard it all and others that they are too big to handle. To those people I would like to say you don’t need to take it all on yourself. You don’t need to make yourself sick all the time. But you do need to do what you can. Elisa Morgan has a book titled She Did What She Could. And that is the mantra to replace feeling ineffectual. Use some of your time and resources to help your cause. We should all try to help in someways. I’ve felt discouraged, even apathetic at various times. But I have more power than I realize and I can always do something. Even if it is just texting someone to make sure they have what they need today, donating $5 to something or saying thank you to those checking you out a the store. Build on the small.
Others see the problems as too important to ever give it a rest. I’ve been here too. The trash swells and animal or other environmental issue really upset me. If you are currently doing a lot and you feel good about it then keep going from a place of love. Try to see the other sides too and soften your heart. I like to tell people what I am for instead of what I am against. I try to come from a delicate place that the other person can relate and build upon that. Your message will be stronger when you don’t consistently yell it. Don’t drown out your own message. What you believe should be heard and recognized. I hope more discussions bring us to more truth. We all have more in common than we think. Usually. I won’t deny that there are outliers. But let’s not go there.
“No tree has branches so foolish as to fight among themselves. We are all branches on a tree called ‘Humanity’ and in every moment are reminded by this saintly woman that we always have a choice: You can either be a host to God or a hostage to your ego”. This is from Dr Wayne Dyer speaking on Amma.
I myself think what we are facing needs to be changed and I personally don’t like all the solutions being offered by several outlets. It is easy to feel like giving up or being angry all the time. It is easier to choose worry over the light. Being sick with worry can be a false trap into feeling productive. Limit the worry and the anger. make myself sick. But I am going believe that love really is all around.
But I am going to look for the hearts
What can I do right now? I’m going to thank the lady for working so hard to clean these carts at WHOLE FOODS.
A lot of progress can be made with just 5%.
And you don’t need to change the opinions of those around you or even go out of your comfort zone to make changes. I hope you do stretch yourself to do more good, but at a comfortable rate so you can sustain the good work.